Resources for Successful
Teaching in Human Relations
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Imagine this: You have just been assigned yet another course to teach this term. Sound familiar? We have experienced this a number of times ourselves, and we are certain that the experience is fairly common. Aware that every instructor can use some help in preparing for a new course or using a text for the first time, we have developed these instructor's resources with the needs and concerns of the heavily burdened, hard-working, overly-assessed instructor in mind. Furthermore, we know the importance of a quality set of resources and how they can provide that critical edge to help maximize your teaching effectiveness.
We have integrated and coordinated each component of the entire package for Human Relations: Productive Approaches for the Workplace. The time management theme of the Workbook for Successful Human Relations (the student study guide and workbook) continues in the time management activities in this manual. The productive thinking exercises in the text are strengthened by similar exercises in the Workbook and in this Manual. Those in the Workbook are focused on individual projects, while those in the Manual can be class activities or teacher-assigned projects. The same is true of the Productive Protocol feature of the text. At a more practical level, the key terms in the running margin glossary in the text are collected in a single, comprehensive glossary in the Workbook, and they are placed in the detailed outline in this Manual. We will look at each of these features is some detail below.
This introduction also includes several items support more than specific chapter topics. They are the CNN Video Clips, a suggested reading list that the instructor can use to offer additional readings to students, and several interesting Internet addresses. Also, we discuss very briefly three of the key pedagogical features of the text and their roles in developing the materials for the Manual. So in this introduction you will find:
Discussion of Productive Thinking, Productive protocol, and Time Management Activities for students.
Description of the pedagogical features in the text.
Description of the features of in the Instructor's Resources and a description of the Test File.
Description of the features of the Workbook for Successful Human Relations.
CNN Video Connections for Human Relations video listing.
The following discussions of productive thinking, protocol, and time management address the key features of the text and student workbook. These features, while they guide the pedagogy of the text and workbook are nevertheless essential aspects of successful human relations. We have tried to maintain a balance between critical thinking as an evaluative tool and productive thinking as a tool for improved, more effective living. Likewise, the single most potent transformation any person can make is that of becoming more sensitive to appropriate etiquette. Finally, as one takes greater control of ones life--becoming more self-managed and confident--improvements in self-esteem and productivity also occur. Productive thinking and protocol are continuous themes throughout the text, and time management (the foundation of self-management) forms the thematic center of the student workbook. We have endeavored to integrate all three of these themes as both foundations for learning experiences and models for pedagogical features of this Manual. We should describe these features briefly to provide an orientation to the instructor.
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Productive thinking is an approach to learning that requires the learner to engage in active application of key concepts to his or her own experience. In effect, it is a concrete form of critical thinking. Critical thinking--you are undoubtedly familiar with this idea--is an important tool for learning as well. Critical thinking requires careful assessment of a concept, claim, or problem followed by an evaluation based on specific criteria. Often the criteria are derived from a discipline or carefully defined method of inquiry, like the scientific method. Critical thinking requires mastery of a knowledge base as well as a grasp of the methods and principles of a discipline.
In contrast, productive thinking evolved specifically as an approach to problem solving. Productive thinking requires that knowledge and understanding are gained through practice. We recognize that people learn best by doing--even by making mistakes. Some problem solving follows a strictly evaluative approach. This results in a solution, but evaluation alone has no promise of application to other situations. Productive thinking occurs when, in the process of solving a problem, a deeper understanding of the appropriate concepts or solutions is gained. The solution to the problem becomes productive because it results in a change in perspective. This change in perspective may affect an entire class of problems. Productive thinking is in this way a formative process, changing the problem solver even as the solution settles the problem. The problem solver may experience increased insight into similar situations or an expanded understanding of the key concept that guides the solution.
Both productive thinking and critical thinking are necessary for effective learning and successful human relations. The text has activities directed at both types of thinking. By examining the text, you can see the difference between these approaches. The Critical Thinking Activities require assessment of information, evaluation of the information, and some form of reasoned judgment about the situation--they do not necessarily require an application of a solution or concept. The Productive Thinking Activities that follow each Section Summary of the text ask the student to apply the concept presented in the section to a situation relevant to the Key Concept (the key concept is emphasized at the beginning of each section). Perhaps, when asked to consider the situation, one may not have a full grasp of the concept. We have tried to direct the activity in such a way that it evokes an understanding of the concept. We typically ask for a concrete application of the concept to a situation that the student may have already experienced.
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To strengthen the notion of becoming productive thinkers, we have extended being productive to our emphasis on business protocol. In fact, protocol brings to life the notion of productive thinking rather well. One grasps the importance of using appropriate protocol when one actually engages in protocol behaviors. After a few days of greeting people with a smile and well-meaning hello, students will be surprised how good it makes them feel. Also, the positive responses people have can be refreshing and even invigorating to the student. Here one will see that protocol can result in both an intellectual transformation and a personal, even emotional, transformation. The power of realizing how truly crucial the effective use of protocol is in human interaction will only be felt in this concrete manner.
To further our own instructional goals of providing a strong foundation in how business is conducted on the human level, we have developed Productive Protocol Activities for the Workbook and the Instructor's Manual.
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The first step toward effective self-management requires an effective use of time. To facilitate the student's acquisition of time management skills, we have prepared an introductory essay on time management and placed it in the Workbook. This essay has all the features of a chapter in the book, including summaries and Productive Thinking Exercises. As you begin to make your course plans, you would be well-served to read this essay and guide students to take advantage of its recommendations. (These recommendations may be of help to the instructor as well.) In our experience, however, we have found that virtually anyone can benefit by taking stock of how he or she uses time. To expand on the essay, and because we are realistic about how changes cannot occur overnight, we have placed time management activities at the end of each chapter. In many instances, we have provided suggested forms that you are free to duplicate and use throughout the term in the course. If you have students complete one of the activities each week and put the concept into practice, they will experience a gradual, yet permanent transformation.
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Student Learning Objectives. Each chapter outline is followed by a list of student learning objectives. Multiple choice questions in the study guide portion of the Workbook and the Test Item File are keyed to these objectives.
Key Concepts. A brief statement of the key concept that guides the section has been set apart from the rest of the text in order to emphasize the concept statement.
Margin Glossary. We have developed this glossary and placed it in the margin specifically to enhance student learning. A list of the terms in the chapter and the page on which the term can be found is provided at the end of the chapter.
Section Summary. Each key concept starts a new section, and we provide a brief summary of the important ideas in the section at the conclusion of each section. These summaries provide both conceptual focus and important memory practice.
Productive Thinking. Each section concludes with a productive thinking question or challenge that directs the student to explore the key concept in a concrete manner. Often the reader is asked to apply the concept to an experience that the reader has had in the recent past or a situation that he or she is currently experiencing.
Productive Protocol. At an appropriate position in the chapter, we have placed a brief "boxed" discussion of an issue or idea arising from workplace protocol. While not meant to prescribe a particular behavior, the feature explores an issue and makes a suggestion for improving relations with others.
Preferred Printing and Packaging Case Study. Our extended case study, while a "content feature," is also a pedagogical feature in that it provides an opportunity for application of key concepts. By coming to know this one case in great depth, the student has an opportunity to examine the interplay of many ideas explored in the text. Our experience in class testing this book suggests that this is one of the most enjoyed aspects of the text.
Concept Review. This set of about ten questions per chapter focuses upon the key concepts rather than factual information. The questions are repeated in the Workbook and space is provided for the students to write brief answers.
Chapter Summary. This brief summary of the entire chapter augments the section summaries with yet another basis for review.
Critical Thinking Activity. Critical thinking has an important place in human relations. A significant question is posed by way of examining, in most instances, an actual case or incident. Several questions are provided that help guide the reader to develop an analysis and evaluation of the situation.
Exploring Human Relations. A specific, challenging situation, also drawn from real examples and cases, is presented to the reader. In most instances, the reader is asked to reflect on how the situation should be handled, given the concepts explored in the chapter.
Appendix: Understanding Statistics in the Workplace. Statistics have become rather pervasive in the workplace. Workers at all levels must be able to understand how these techniques are used in the workplace. The Appendix introduces concepts of types of scales (nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio) and describes the essential concepts of both descriptive and inferential statistics. For instructors who choose to utilize the Appendix, the Test Item File has 47 multiple choice questions that can be used for drill or testing (they are all based on the key terms of the Appendix).
Company Index. We consider the grounding of this text in real-world examples to be one of its most crucial attributes. To emphasize the importance of these examples, we have generated an index of the companies mentioned in the text. There are about 200 companies mentioned and about 100 serve as the focus of examples. You will be pleased to note that the chapter resources include an index by chapters as well. As you prepare for a chapter presentation or discussion, you will be able to review the companies mentioned in the chapter.
Name and Subject Index. Since we prepared the company index, we thought it best to combine the name and subject indexes, otherwise the value of the indexes themselves would decline as the number of them rose. All the bold-faced key terms, any italicized term, and many headings in the chapters were used to create the subject list. All of the authors of classic works in human relations who were mentioned and most of the contemporary authors were indexed.
Of the other features of the text, two are particularly relevant. First, our concern for real-life examples led us scrutinize how we would use the opening vignette. Many texts will utilize a vignette to open a chapter but fail to follow the example later in the chapter. Consequently, we discuss every vignette we use at some point later in the chapter, often several times. In some cases, particularly illustrative vignettes are revisited in later chapters. The second feature is our "Closer Look" discussion of a crucial topic. We use this discussion to examine classic studies, current issues (like the honesty testing issue), and other critical concerns.
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This Instructor's Manual has two main parts: Instructor's Chapter Resources and the Test Item File. You will need to be familiar with the parts if you are to maximize your benefit from the resources. The following provides a brief guide to help you navigate the material and locate what you need quickly.
Each Chapter opens with a "Class Activity Planner" that provides space for you to identify the resources you plan to use. Once these have been identified, you can then undertake any advanced preparation you may need, like arranging for a video player and a monitor, an overhead projector, or reproducing needed handouts using the handout masters. You can use the planning space for any purpose, even keeping track of the extent to which you may have focused on a particular key concept or emphasized a special point. Keeping this kind of track, later you will be able to plan your tests based on this information. In the following sample--abbreviated from Chapter 1--we have retained the titles of the types of resources.
Outline | Resources | Your Plan |
Learning from the Past; Lessons for the Future Human Relations Today
Protocol for Success |
Instructor's Manual:
(available resources in the IM CNN Videos Japanese Employment and the Future
(available resources in the Workbook
(this space is for notes Test Item File: (here we list the key concept, |
(This space is for you to prepare your materials, etc.) |
Following the Class Activity Planner, we collect the section summaries
and identify them by the key concept number they summarize.
Immediately following the section summaries, we have placed the index of companies in the chapter (here we have included the index from Chapter 1). We generated this index using the same list of terms that we used to generate the index for the book.
Index of Companies in Chapter 1 (Links to the corporate web sites for each of the mentioned comapnies have been made in the Chapter and Alphabetical Company Indexes--click here to go to the Chapter Index there now)
American Express 19
Baldwin Locomotive 4
Electronic Data Systems (EDS) 13
Ford Motor Company 4, 5, 9, 12, 19
General Electric 9
General Motors 9
Great Harvest Bakery 19
Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric
Company 6
Home Depot 28
Honda 4, 9, 19
IDEO Product Development 19
Levi Strauss & Company 28
McDonald's Corporation 15, 17
McDonald's Hamburger University 17
Postal Service 29
Preferred Printing and Packaging 26
Preston Trucking 9
Robert Bosch 15
ROLM Corporation 10
Saturn 24
Sears, Roebuck & Co. 15
Singer Sewing Machines 4
Toyota Motor Manufacturing 4, 9, 15, 24
Toyota Manufacturing Company of Georgetown, Kentucky 15
U.S. Bureau of the Census 14
U.S. Department of Education 21
U.S. Navy 17
U.S. Postal Service 29
U.S. Steel 9
Wal-Mart Discount Stores 28
Waltman Watch 4
Winchester Repeating Arms Company 4
Yellow Corporation 9
A. Learning from the Past; Lessons for the Future pages 3-11
Key Concept 1.1:
In the past hundred years, the corporate structure |
Notes: |
1. A Brief Historical Review
human relations (p. 2) The interactions between people that govern how people communicate and work together toward common goals. |
a. The Craftsman Era
b. Scientific Management
scientific management (p. 5) A concept, developed
by Frederick W. Taylor, which suggests that the worker can be combined
with the job in such a way that a maximum of efficiency and productivity
is achieved.
time-and-motion study (p. 5) An objective and carefully measured study of the flow of work. |
After the detailed chapter outline, we have placed the class resources. These consist of ideas for initiating lectures and discussions, classroom activities, descriptions of the CNN video clips, and handouts and overhead transparency masters. The titles of the Lecture Starters (LS 1.1, etc.) are the titles of those from Chapter 1. Here is what these resources look like:
LS 1.1: Human Relations
LS 1.2: Human Relations Update
LS 1.3: Diversity in the Workplace
Japanese Employment and the Future
A discussion of employment patterns in both Japan and the United States. Current and future problems for employees and employers are also touched upon.
Time: 2:17 CNN Clip 1
At the end of each chapter, we have included duplicating masters for any of the materials recommended in the class resources. Also, depending upon available space, we have included additional graphs and tables of material that may be of interest and of use for presenting key concepts. This material is drawn from the text. In cases, where permissions to reproduce were required, we have indicated this on the same page. If you prepare a transparency from this material, please be sure to include the permission information. If we have prepared this kind of transparency master, we have done so on the basis of permission we sought.
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The Test Item File that comprises the second half of this Manual
contains 1363 multiple choice questions. We chose not to prepare any true-false
or fill-in-the-blank questions for the Test Item File because these questions
typically reflect specific choices by the instructor. They also reflect
the personal style of the instructor, and they are much easier to prepare.
We felt that our own time and resources would be best utilized if we were
to prepare a large pool of multiple choice questions. This large pool of
questions will allow teachers to select those questions that are relevant
to their course emphasis and to the issues and concepts discussed in class.
We have no fewer than 80 questions per chapter, and one has 90 questions.
There are 47 questions for the Appendix. Three quarters of the questions
in each chapter are based on key terms and definitions. The electronic
test maker provided by Allyn & Bacon, ESATEST III, will scramble
the choices--thereby giving you an enormous variety of questions. Finally,
we believed that Mark's extensive experience preparing test banks would
be best utilized by preparing this kind of test item file.
Issues of question construction and validity are always a concern when preparing multiple choice questions. We made several decisions that we believe make the questions and the test bank as a whole quite superior. First, the 15 multiple choice questions in the study guide portion of the Workbook are unique to the Workbook. We did not intentionally copy any of these questions--some test banks simply include all the study guide questions. Also, the questions in the guide are written by the same authors who prepared the Test Item File. A student practicing the study guide questions should get a good sense of the type and tone of questions in the test bank.
A second construction issue is the use of "all of the above" or "none of the above" questions. To be balanced, the pool of questions would need to have only one in four of these type have this choice as the correct answer. So if one were written, then three more questions would need to be written with this choice being an incorrect choice. A preponderance of questions would then need this structure. To be fair when constructing a test, the selection of questions would then need to be balanced. For each "all of the above" question where "all of the above" is the correct choice, the test would need three additional questions where it was not the correct choice. Few instructors realize this and thus may put only one or two of these type of question in the test. The student knows that when given as an option, "all of the above" is most likely the correct choice (or at least about a 50-50 chance). Also, the answer "none of the above" does not demonstrate that the student knew the correct answer--only that the other choices were not correct. If you are attempting to determine what the student knows, this choice is not a very good indicator. Our solution? Just do not write any of this kind of question.
In the Test Item File, you will find the questions presented in two columns. The left column is an index of information about the question. We have indicated the type of question, the correct answer, the page number, the learning objective, and the level of difficulty. We used three different designations for type of question. "Factual" refers to a question in which the actual answer is presented in the book, like the definition of a term. "Applied" refers to a question in which a situation is presented in the stem and the answer requires applying a concept to the situation. "Conceptual" refers to a question that requires the test taker to recognize the key concept, compare two ideas or concepts, or otherwise manipulate conceptual or abstract knowledge. Most of our questions are coded as factual, less than a quarter are applied, and only a few are conceptual. The page number given for the answer refers to the last page that would need to be read in order to answer the question. Sometimes the distractor terms may actually appear on later pages. The learning objective number refers to the single most appropriate learning objective associated with the question. Clearly, many questions may support more than one objective. However, we wanted to keep the index uncluttered and simple, so we assigned the most appropriate learning objective. Finally, level of difficulty is coded as "Basic," "Moderate," or "Challenging." Basic was used to indicate questions taken from the text in a virtually verbatim form. Moderate requires the student to recognize rephrased information. Challenging was assigned for obviously difficult questions and for complex or detailed information. Most of the questions are basic or moderate.
The alternatives or distractors we constructed are intended to provide a challenge to students who are not well prepared and be easier for a student who has prepared. Usually, the distractors are real items in the text. However, on occasion, a playful distractor has been used. Some just sound like the right answer but are not real items. We have avoided any trick questions based clever phrasing--if they are there, it is by accident.
Finally, a note on challenges by students. Students really want to succeed, and they will often push an issue for one or two points. While we all make mistakes (and there may be a few in our test item file), our experience is that the student is over-analyzing or attempting to contrive a semantic issue. On several occasions, it may be that the other choices are not wrong or untrue of the stem. However, the standard rule is that any multiple choice question requires selection of the most appropriate or best answer. Invoke this rule. When the challenge appears legitimate, ask the student to research the answer and explain the conditions under which both the designated correct choice and their choice are correct and what would make them incorrect. (This is a good activity for students having trouble with tests as well.) If you find an incorrect index, please let us know! You can write or e-mail us (our addresses are provided later).
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The features of the Workbook for Successful Human Relations are specifically designed not only to provide a study guide to accompany Human Relations: Productive Approaches for the Workplace but also to provide a workbook for self-improvement. The Workbook provides the student with the opportunity to apply many of the concepts of the text toward a goal of improved human relations. The time management essay at the beginning of the Workbook sets the stage for activities that are placed throughout the guide. Many of the activities in the Workbook can be adapted to the classroom. In many instances, the activities we have developed for this Manual are coordinated with the individual activities in the Workbook. With a bit of advanced planning, you can coordinate and focus the student's learning and self-improvement efforts. The following descriptions of the features in the Workbook should help you with that plan.
This introductory essay examines basic tools for self-evaluation and for establishing a plan for improvement of how the student utilizes time. Sample forms for charting distractions, logging time use, and other elements of time management have been completed to illustrate how the tools would be used. Full version of the forms have been placed in the chapters of the Workbook for the student to use. You may also duplicate these forms for use in the classroom. Most of them have already been placed in the manual for your convenience.
Each chapter in the study guide has each section of the text outlined in detail, accompanied by the key concept, the associated learning objectives, the section summary, and a listing of key terms in the chapter section.
The concept review questions at the end of each chapter are reprinted in the Workbook with spaces provided for the student to record an answer. The intent was to provide a space where the student could reflect on the answer and perhaps develop an outline or make other notes about the question.
The productive thinking approach helps focus the student on concrete application of the key concepts of the book. In the Workbook, a broader question is asked that is intended to help focus thought about the entire chapter or a crucial concept in the chapter. Space is provided for the student to write a complete answer. Students could be asked to submit these answers as part of a homework or seatwork assignment.
This basic feature takes sentences from the text, often slightly revised, and asks the student to complete the sentence by providing the correct missing word or phrase.
Crossword Puzzles
This is an exciting feature for students. The crosswords provide a challenge that is both interesting and demanding. Answers are provided at the end of the Workbook.
True-False Questions
Ten true-false questions test general knowledge about the chapter.
Multiple Choice Questions
Fifteen multiple choice questions offer a large sample of the types of questions found in the Test Item File. By drilling with these questions, students should improve their chances of success on class exams.
Productive Protocol Activity
The protocol feature in the text is strengthened with activities that the student can undertake independently, or that you can adapt to the classroom. These can be converted into assignments as well.
Time Management Activity
The time management essay at the beginning of the Workbook sets the stage for this activity. This activity focuses upon a single, manageable undertaking that moves the student a step closer to effective self-management. As with the others, this too can be converted into class assignments.
The last study aid we placed in the Workbook was this comprehensive glossary. This glossary combines all the defined key words and the margin definitions into a single collection. Students can find key words quickly using this combined glossary. If they find a word repeated later in the text and wish to review its definition, they would need to search through the text and locate the correct chapter and then turn again to the page with the definition. This glossary eliminates the cumbersome steps required to find a word in this manner.
This answer key has the answers to the key-term drills, including the crossword puzzle, and the conceptual drills. We have also provided the learning objective and a text page reference for the multiple choice questions.
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Here are the titles of the CNN Video Clips and how long they are. Brief descriptions of the clips are placed in the chapter resources section of the Manual. Many of the clips can be used in several locations. We have tried to find the most appropriate chapter association to make. However, you may discover that a clip fits your discussion of a topic in another chapter. We suggest that you watch the entire video and plan how you would use each clip. The total time for the video is a bit more than one hour.
Chapter 1: Effective Human Relations
1. Japanese Employment and the Future 2.17
2. Productivity in the 1990s 1.43
3. Retraining for the Future 2.29
Chapter 2: Communication Processes
4. Telecommuting 2.01
Chapter 3: Using Communication Skills Effectively
5. Green Depot 1.24
Chapter 4: The Self: Preparing the Foundation for Success
Chapter 5: The Power of Attitudes and Beliefs
6. Humor in the Workplace 2.01
Chapter 6: Skill Acquisition and Development
7. Toyota Job Training 1.48
8. Sales Methods and Training in the Auto Industry 5.49
9. Training for Global Competition 5.08
Chapter 7: Motivation and Work
10. Productivity and Work 1.44
11. Merit Pay 1.32
12. Employee Involvement at NUMMI 2.30
Chapter 8: Job Satisfaction, Involvement, and Performance
Chapter 9: The Organization and the Role of the Individual
Chapter 10: The Dynamics of Group Membership and Participation
Chapter 11: Leadership: Acquiring and Developing Skills for Success
13. Malice in Dallas 2.20
Chapter 12: Assessment and Evaluation in the Workplace
14. Employee Tryouts 1.41
15. Screening Employees with Integrity Tests 1.37
Chapter 13: Health and Wellness
16. Cost Cutting Health 2.19
17. Painful Prescription 2.10
18. Night Shift Ills 4.08
Chapter 14: Problems in the Workplace: Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Conflict, and Drugs
19. The New Denny's 2.37
20. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 1.58
Chapter 15: Work and the Phases of Life
21. Work and Family Balance 1.45
22. Overworked Workforce 2.41
23. Oldest Stockbroker 2.28
24. Retirement Fears 2.19
Chapter 16: Preparing for the Future
25. Middle-Aged Men Laid Off 2.10
26. Basic Skills 5.02
27. Job Training 2.26
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As this Manual is on its way to the printer, we are developing a home page for our book. We currently expect to have a connection through the Allyn & Bacon web site, and we will send all adopters of the text a note regarding how to find us once the page is working. If you have any suggestions for what you would like to see on our page, please send them to Mark Garrison at his e-mail address or school address. We have included these below. For general purposes, we have found several sites that are informative and useful to both instructor and student. Again, once a home page is working, we will be able to provide updated information on a regular basis. For now, we suggest visiting the general sites we have listed below. Almost all of the companies we have discussed in the text have corporate web sites, and most search engines will get you to their sites quickly. Here are the authors addresses and several suggestions for exploration.
Mark Garrison: also:
Campus Address:
Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Kenntucky State University
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Margaret Bly: also:
Campus Address:
Edison Community College
Fort Myers, Florida 33919
Allyn & Bacon:
Suggested sites to visit:
The environment:
Native Americans:
Ethnic Relations:
Family Composition:
The world factbook:
Internet Public Library
Yahoo business index:
On AOL, use keyword "Hoover" to access a corporate database rich with information about many companies.
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Alessandra, Tony, and Hunsaker, Phil. Communicating at Work. New York: Simon & Schuster, Fireside, 1993.
Baldrige, Letitia. Complete Guide To Executive Manners. New York: Rawson Associates, 1985.
Bandura, Albert. Social Learning Theory. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1977.
Bass, Bernard M. Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership: A Survey of Theory and Research. Rev. ed. New York: The Free Press, 1981.
Blanchard, Kenneth, and Johnson, Spencer. One Minute Manager. New York: Morrow, 1982.
Boll, Carl R. Executive Jobs Unlimited. Rev. ed. New York: Macmillan, 1979.
Bolt, James F. Executive Development: A Strategy for Corporate Competitiveness. New York: HarperBusiness, 1989.
Bolton, Robert. People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts. New York: Simon & Schuster, Touchstone, 1979.
Boone, Mary E. Leadership and the Computer. Rocklin, Calif.: Prima Publishing, 1993.
Boyett, Joseph H., with Boyett, Jimmie T. Beyond Workplace 2000: Essential Strategies for the New American Corporation. New York: Penguin, Dutton, 1995.
Branden, Nathaniel. How to Raise Your Self-Esteem. New York: Bantam Books, 1987.
Case, John. Open-Book Management: The Coming Business Revolution. New York: HarperBusiness, 1995.
Cialdini, Robert B. Influence: Science and Practice. Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman and Co., 1985.
Cooper, C. L., and Payne, R., eds. Causes, Coping and Consequences of Stress at Work. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990.
Covey, Stephen R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Restoring the Character Ethic. New York: Simon & Schuster, Fireside, 1989.
Covey, Stephen R.; Merrill, A. Roger; and Merrill, Rebecca R. First Things First: To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994.
Crocker, Olga L.; Charney, Cyril; and Chiu, Johnny Sik Leung. Quality Circles: A Guide to Participation and Productivity. New York: Penguin, Mentor, 1984.
Crosby, Philip B. The Eternally Successful Organization: The Art of Corporate Wellness. New York: Penguin, New American Library, Plume, 1988.
Crosby, Philip B. Quality Is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain. New York: New American Library, Mentor, 1979.
Davidow, William H., and Malone, Michael S. The Virtual Corporation: Structuring and Revitalizing the Corporation for the 21st Century. New York: HarperCollins, HarperBusiness, 1992.
Douglass, Merrill, and Douglass, Donna. Manage Your Time, Your Work, Yourself. New York: AMACOM, 1993.
Drucker, Peter F. The Effective Executive. New York: HarperCollins, 1967.
Dubeck, Paula J., and Borman, Kathryn, eds. Women and Work: A Handbook. New York: Garland Publishing, 1996.
The Editors of Inc. Magazine. The Best of Inc. Guide to Managing People. New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1989.
Fournies, Ferdinand F. Coaching for Improved Work Performance. New York: McGraw-Hill, Liberty Hall Press, 1987.
Getty, J. Paul. How To Be Rich. New York: Jove Books, 1965.
Goldstein, Irwin L. Training In Organizations: Needs Assessment, Development, and Evaluation. Pacific Grove, Calif.: Wadsworth, Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., 1993.
Hackman, Richard, and Oldham, Greg R. Work Redesign. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1980.
Harris, Amy Bjork, and Harris, Thomas A. Staying OK. New York: Harper & Row, 1985.
Hersey, Paul, and Blanchard, Kenneth H. Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources. 6th ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1993.
Hill, Norman C. How to Increase Employee Competence. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1984.
Jensen, Arthur R. Bias in Mental Testing. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., The Free Press, 1980.
Kleiman, Carol. The 100 Best Jobs for the 1990s and Beyond. Dearborn, Mich.: Dearborn Financial Publications, 1992.
Lawler, Edward E. III. High-Involvement Management: Participative Strategies for Improving Organizational Performance. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1986.
Levinson, Jay Conrad. The Ninety-Minute Hour. New York: Penguin, E. P. Dutton, 1990.
Manz, Charles C., and Sims, Henry P., Jr. Superleadership: Leading Others to Lead Themselves. New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1989.
Mayo, G. Douglas, and DuBois, Philip H. The Complete Book of Training: Theory, Principles, and Techniques. San Diego: University Associates, 1987.
McWhirter, Darien A. Your Rights at Work. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1993.
Molloy, John T. New Dress for Success. New York: Warner Books, 1988.
Mollow, John T. The Woman's Dress for Success Book. New York: Warner Books, 1977.
Morrison, Terri; Conaway, Wayne A.; and Borden, George A. Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: How to Do Business in Sixty Countries. Holbrook, Mass.: Bob Adams, 1994.
Naisbitt, John, and Aburdene, Patricia. Megatrends 2000: Ten New Directions for the 1990's. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1990.
Osburn, Jack. Self-Directed Work Teams: The New American Challenge
Ouchi, William G. Theory Z: How American Business Can Meet the Japanese Challenge. New York: Avon Books, 1981.
Peter, Dr. Lawrence J., and Hull, Raymond. The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong. New York: Bantam Book, 1969.
Peters, Tom. Liberation Management: Necessary Disorganization for the Nanosecond Nineties. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Borzoi, 1992.
Peters, Tom. The Pursuit of WOW!: Every Person's Guide to Topsy-Turvy Times. New York: Vintage Books, 1994.
Peters, Tom. The Tom Peters Seminar: Crazy Times Call for Crazy Organizations. New York: Vintage Books, 1994.
Peters, Tom, and Waterman, Robert H., Jr. In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1982; Peters, Tom, and Austin, Nancy. A Passion for Excellence: The Leadership Difference. New York: Random House, 1985; Both of these titles are included in one book published by Book-of-the-Month Club, 1992.
Plankett, Lorne C., and Fournier, Robert. Participative Management: Implementing Empowerment. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1991.
Raia, Anthony P. Managing by Objectives. Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1974.
Robert's Rules of Order. Rev. ed. Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman, 1981.
Rogers, Carl R. On Becoming a Person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961.
Rokeach, Milton. Beliefs, Attitudes, and Values: A Theory of Organization and Change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1968.
Sabath, Ann Marie. Business Etiquette in Brief: The Competitive Edge for Today's Professional. Holbrook, Mass.: , 1993.
Selye, Hans. Stress without Distress. New York: Penguin, Signet, 1974.
Shechtman, Morris R. Working Without a Net: How to Survive & Thrive in Today's High Risk Business World. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1994.
Sheehy, Gail. Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life. New York: Bantam Books, 1977 [1974].
Stewart, Marjabelle Young, and Faux, Marian. Executive Etiquette: How to Make Your Way to the Top with Grace and Style. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979.
Stewart, Marjabelle Young, and Faux, Marian. Executive Etiquette in the New Workplace. New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 1994.
Thomsett, Michael C. The Little Black Book of Business Etiquette. New York: AMACOM, 1991.
Toffler, Alvin, and Toffler, Heidi. Creating A New Civilization: The Politics of the Third Wave. Atlanta: Turner Publishing, 1995.
Waterman, Robert H. Jr. What America Does Right: Lessons from Today's Most Admired Corporate Role Models. New York: Plume, 1995.
Weick, Karl E. The Social Psychology of Organizing. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1979.
Weiss, Robert S. Staying the Course: The Emotional and Social Lives of Men Who Do Well at Work. New York: Free Press, 1990.
Yager, Jan. Business Protocol: How to Survive and Succeed in Business. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1991.
Yaremko, R. M.; Harari, Herbert; Harrison, Robert C.; Lynn, Elizabeth. Handbook of Research and Quantitative Methods in Psychology: For Students and Professionals. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1986.
Yate, Martin. Hiring the Best: A Manager's Guide to Effective Interviewing. 4th ed. Holbrook, Mass.: Bob Adams, 1994.
Yate, Martin. 1995 Knock 'Em Dead: The Ultimate Job-Seeker's Handbook. Holbrook, Mass.: Adams Publishing, 1995.
Zander, Alvin. Making Groups Effective. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1983.
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Some Ideas for Planning Your Course
We have three suggestions to make as you begin your planning for using our text in your course. First, plan as far ahead as you can. We have provided a number of easy reference devices that should help you plan effectively for activities, classroom presentation and discussion, and audio-visual materials. Second, do not use activities or video material "cold." Practice the activities and be familiar with the procedures and forms they require. Review the video material and be ready with leading questions for students or with related activities. You may even consider priming your students with issues to consider while they watch a video clip. Third, if you use groups in your class--and we have a number of activities that are designed for group involvement--you should consider assigning the groups permanently very early in the term. We have used this technique and have found that students are more comfortable when they know their partners.
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your Allyn & Bacon representative or the text authors if you have any
concerns or suggestions. Our goal with this text has been to create the
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