Health and Wellness at Work
Welcome to our collection of Web sites elated to health and wellness generally. Also check the Stress Management category. As we progress, the site and an instruction regarding what is available at the site will be placed in the appropriate heading in the Chapter Outlines.
The Health Authority Quitting Smoking, includes interesting data under the Good Reasons to Quit section.
Serum Cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease Clinical Study: research, but brief, concise, and easy-to-read.
Serum cholesterol and women's health: Women's Health Interactive.
Emotions: Mood and Health. Teaching Optimism Skills in the Workplace.
Hostility and heart disease: this article is about "a particular kind of hostility--called aggressive responding."
Couch potato and exercise: The Couch Potato's Lament: Why Exercise Isn't a Habit.
Losing weight: Tip of the Day.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome at Healthtrek.
Designing a Better Keyboard Desk and chair design may help the afflicted. Look also at: PC Accessories presents Waterloo's FAMILY OF COMPUTER KEYBOARD SUPPORT SYSTEMS
Prepared by Mark Garrison,
September, 1997
Modified, February, 1998