Human Relations by Garrison and Bly
Company Index for Chapter 15

Aetna Life & Casualty 523, 526 (Check their press releases and their special feature, about African Americans)
AT&T 524
Bendix Corporation (merged with Allied Corporation, and later Allied merged with the Signal companies to form the present AlliedSignal Inc.) 538 (See the History of the Kansas City Plant)
Costco 509
DeGraff Memorial Hospital 500
DuPont Corporation 526 (Check the company overview)
Fel-Pro 524
Home Depot 509
Immune Response Corporation 533
Johnson & Johnson 524
Kmart 509 (See the company info)
Microtek International 530
Nurturing Network 538 (See about Mary Cunningham Agee)
Pepsi-Cola 501 (See the news)
Preferred Printing and Packaging 512
U.S. Armed Forces 538
Wal-Mart Discount Stores 509 (Check the corporate info; read a press release)
Xerox Corporation 530 (Check the history and the press releases)

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Prepared by Mark Garrison, January, 1998