Human Relations by Garrison and Bly
Company Index for Chapter 11

American Airlines 338 (Check the employee magazine, Contrails, and news releases)
Braniff 338
CNN (Cable News Network) 355
Chicago Tribune 344, 349, 353
Ciba-Geigy 356 (now merged to become Novartis)
Compaq 368 (Check the press releases)
Continental Airlines 338 (Check the corporate information, and read about the Continental team)
Corning, Inc. 369 (Check their values, benefits, heritage, and press releases)
Dell Computer Corporation 368 (Check the press releases)
Eastern Airlines (no longer in operation--see the chapter 11 papers) 338
Fortune 500 companies 354
Home Depot 353, 355, 357, 361
Hughes Aircraft 343, 344
IBM 356 (Check the press releases)
IDEO Product Development 345, 353
Intel 358 (Check the press releases)
Levi Strauss & Company 345, 348
Pan Am (stopped in 1991--Check the history) 338 (Check news on the reactivation of Pan Am)
Preferred Printing and Packaging 366
Ronald McDonald Houses 338
Southwest Airlines 338, 345, 349, 351, 353, 356, 360 (See press releases and Herb Kelleher's brief company history)
Texas Air Corporation (was parent company of Eastern Airlines from 1986 to 1990; merged with others into Continental) 342, 351 (Search here for Texas Air to read about Frank Lorenzo; then check out his opinions)
The League of Women Voters 349
TNT (Turner Network Television) 355
W. L. Gore & Associates 345, 353
Workforce Solutions (now defunct HR division of IBM, but IBM develops solutions for others) 356 (See AT&T's version)
Xerox Corporation 348 (Check the history and the press releases)

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Prepared by Mark Garrison, January, 1998