This web site provides opportunities for students
and instructors to explore many of the features of the text and to use
the World Wide Web for learning and instruction purposes. The site,
and its features, will continue to grow through contributions of the authors,
students, and instructors. We, the text authors, maintain this site.
We are also the authors of the Instructor's Manual, Test
Bank (1400 multiple choice questions), Student Study Guide
(Student Workbook), and we selected the video clips for the
CNN Video Connections for Human Relations. Our primary
goal with this Web site is to integrate all these resources into Web-based
learning. The printed materials are available from Allyn & Bacon.
As authors of this text, we felt that the most important aspect of the
text other than its treatment of the material was its accessibility to
students. Our commitment to effective teaching led us to write the ancillary
materials with a focus on creating an integrated learning package. These
materials provide wide-ranging and significant learning and teaching opportunities.
From the various materials, we have located four elements that provide
a description of the book and its related resources:
from the Instructor's Manual
Resources for Successful Teaching in Human Relations"
features in the Text
from the Instructor's Manual
Click here to read the Preface
and view the table of contents of the Instructor's Manual that we
prepared to accompany Human Relations: Productive Approaches to the
(Click here to go back to the top)
to the Instructor's Manual
Click here to read "Introduction:
Resources for Successful Teaching in Human Relations" from the Instructor's
Manual that we prepared to accompany Human Relations: Productive
Approaches to the Workplace. This essay provides a comprehensive description
of the components of the text, the Instructor's Manual, the Test
Item File, the Student Workbook, and the CNN Video Connections for
Human Relations. This essay is quite long, and we have supplied some navigation
links to help you locate the material you want to review.
(Click here to go back to the top)
Finally, for a quick look, here is a list of pedagogical features of the text (copied from the Introduction to the Instructor's Manual).
Student Learning Objectives. Each chapter outline is followed by a list of student learning objectives. Multiple choice questions in the study guide portion of the Workbook and the Test Item File are keyed to these objectives.
Key Concepts. A brief statement of the key concept that guides the section has been set apart from the rest of the text in order to emphasize the concept statement.
Margin Glossary. We have developed this glossary and placed it in the margin specifically to enhance student learning. A list of the terms in the chapter and the page on which the term can be found is provided at the end of the chapter.
Section Summary. Each key concept starts a new section, and we provide a brief summary of the important ideas in the section at the conclusion of each section. These summaries provide both conceptual focus and important memory practice.
Productive Thinking. Each section concludes with a productive thinking question or challenge that directs the student to explore the key concept in a concrete manner. Often the reader is asked to apply the concept to an experience that the reader has had in the recent past or a situation that he or she is currently experiencing.
Productive Protocol. At an appropriate position in the chapter, we have placed a brief "boxed" discussion of an issue or idea arising from workplace protocol. While not meant to prescribe a particular behavior, the feature explores an issue and makes a suggestion for improving relations with others.
Preferred Printing and Packaging Case Study. Our extended case study, while a "content feature," is also a pedagogical feature in that it provides an opportunity for application of key concepts. By coming to know this one case in great depth, the student has an opportunity to examine the interplay of many ideas explored in the text. Our experience in class testing this book suggests that this is one of the most enjoyed aspects of the text.
Concept Review. This set of about ten questions per chapter focuses upon the key concepts rather than factual information. The questions are repeated in the Workbook and space is provided for the students to write brief answers.
Chapter Summary. This brief summary of the entire chapter augments the section summaries with yet another basis for review.
Critical Thinking Activity. Critical thinking has an important place in human relations. A significant question is posed by way of examining, in most instances, an actual case or incident. Several questions are provided that help guide the reader to develop an analysis and evaluation of the situation.
Exploring Human Relations. A specific, challenging situation, also drawn from real examples and cases, is presented to the reader. In most instances, the reader is asked to reflect on how the situation should be handled, given the concepts explored in the chapter.
Appendix: Understanding Statistics in the Workplace. Statistics have become rather pervasive in the workplace. Workers at all levels must be able to understand how these techniques are used in the workplace. The Appendix introduces concepts of types of scales (nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio) and describes the essential concepts of both descriptive and inferential statistics. For instructors who choose to utilize the Appendix, the Test Item File has 47 multiple choice questions that can be used for drill or testing (they are all based on the key terms of the Appendix).
Company Index. We consider the grounding of this text in real-world examples to be one of its most crucial attributes. To emphasize the importance of these examples, we have generated an index of the companies mentioned in the text. There are about 200 companies mentioned and about 100 serve as the focus of examples. You will be pleased to note that the chapter resources include an index by chapters as well. As you prepare for a chapter presentation or discussion, you will be able to review the companies mentioned in the chapter.
Name and Subject Index. Since we prepared the company index,
we thought it best to combine the name and subject indexes, otherwise the
value of the indexes themselves would decline as the number of them rose.
All the bold-faced key terms, any italicized term, and many headings in
the chapters were used to create the subject list. All of the authors of
classic works in human relations who were mentioned and most of the contemporary
authors were indexed.
(Click here to go back to the top)
Of the other features of the text, two are particularly relevant.
First, our concern for real-life examples led us scrutinize how we would
use the opening vignette. Many texts will utilize a vignette to open a
chapter but fail to follow the example later in the chapter. Consequently,
we discuss every vignette we use at some point later in the chapter, often
several times. In some cases, particularly illustrative vignettes are revisited
in later chapters. The second feature is our "Closer Look" discussion of
a crucial topic. We use this discussion to examine classic studies, current
issues (like the honesty testing issue), and other critical concerns.
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