Workplace Issues
Welcome to our collection of Web sites related, broadly, to workplace issues. As we progress, the site and an instruction regarding what is available at the site will be placed in the appropriate heading in the Chapter Outlines.
Workplace Violence
Violence and postal workers. Explaining "why."
Preventing Workplace Violence: Management Considerations.
Business Ethics Magazine: Interview: Dilbert's Scott Adams.
Business Ethics Magazine: The Best Corporate Citizens: Is your company on our list of the nation's 100 most profitable, public and socially responsible companies?
Business Ethics Magazine: Online!
Employee Theft, brief description of the problem.
Employee Theft. United States Postal Inspection Service--Employee Theft/Embezzlement: penalties for postal employees (employee theft is serious business!).
Biting the hand that feeds you. Gary Larsen humor (with Danish commentary).
Electronic Performance Monitoring Technological Surveillance in the Workplace--Monitoring E-Mail, Computer Files, Voice Mail, and Telephone Use Without Crossing the Privacy Line.
Prepared by Mark Garrison,
September, 1997
Modified, February, 1998