Works and DaysHR on the Net

Self, Self-Esteem, and Motivation

Welcome to our collection of Web sites relevant to the self, self-esteem, and motivation. As we progress, the site and an instruction regarding what is available at the site will be placed in the appropriate heading in the Chapter Outlines.

Optimism in the workplace

Achievement motivation Self-Esteem Self-monitoring Self and Motivation Motivation and Equity Theory Equity Theory, perceived fairness, work motivation--look at section II. Theoretical Considerations, it tells here about Equity Theory.

Pay Equity  Ending Gender and Race Discrimination In Our Paychecks (the UAW speaks about Pay Equity and gives some statistics).

Job Satisfaction and Task Performance  Why Do Executives Look For New Jobs? (Click on "Key Findings" to see the effect of job satisfaction on some executives.) We are highly interested in including contributions from students, instructors, and other visitors. Please submit a site for consideration.

Prepared by Mark Garrison, September, 1997
Modified, February, 1998
E!Garrison Web Works