Chapter 14

Problems in the Workplace:
Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Conflict, and Drugs


Workplace Discrimination Individual Rights and Corporate Obligations

Methods of Eliminating Discrimination and Prejudice

Productive Thinking

Types of Sexual Harassment

A Closer Look at the Subtle Effects of Harassment

Individual Rights and Corporate Obligations

Solving the Problems of Sexual Harassment

Productive Thinking

Types of Conflict

Sources of Conflict in the Workplace Managing Conflict Effectively Productive Thinking

Commonly Used, Legal Drugs

A Closer Look at the Smoke-Free Workplace Illegal and Psychoactive Drugs Controlling Drug Habits Productive Thinking

Highlighted company names in the index are linked to the corporation's homepage. For additional, current information about the company, check their site. The number to the right of the company is the page number in the text where the company is discussed. Other resources include Hoover's database and Web search engines.

Go to the Index of Companies in Chapter 14

Prepared by Mark Garrison, January, 1998