Results of Fall 1999 FHS Sexual Attitudes Survey
(English II report, Erik Garrison)

For my fall English II research paper, I passed out 160 surveys to students in 9th-12th grades. I received 77 responses. There were seven questions, students were to answer "yes" or "no." I got so many "maybe's" that I included them in the results. Questions are listed in the headers of the tables.

A lot of people wondered about question 4. It was included to check the relationship between religion and sexual attitudes, especially toward abortion.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

1. Are you sexually active?

Frequency Percent
Valid previously 2 2.6
no 49 63.6
yes 24 31.2
Total 77 100.0

2. Do you believe sex is acceptable outside of marriage?

Frequency Percent
Valid don't know 1 1.3
maybe 3 3.9
no 14 18.2
yes 56 72.7
Total 77 100.0

2.5 - acceptable if partners have only known eachother for a short time?

Frequency Percent
Valid don't know 2 2.6
maybe 4 5.2
no 44 57.1
yes 26 33.8
Total 77 100.0
Total 77 100.0

3. Do you believe a woman should have the right to an abortion?

Frequency Percent
Valid don't know 1 1.3
maybe 2 2.6
no 20 26.0
yes 53 68.8
Total 77 100.0

3.5. - if she was raped?

Frequency Percent
Valid maybe 4 5.2
no 10 13.0
yes 63 81.8
Total 77 100.0

4. Are you religious?

Frequency Percent
Valid don't know 1 1.3
maybe 7 9.1
no 28 36.4
yes 41 53.2
Total 77 100.0

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